Railcar Management
What to do when the railroad track & trace tools aren’t enough
You are feeling pain. Gaining visibility of your growing rail shipments on multiple railroads has become cumbersome. Reports that took 5 minutes to prepare are now taking an hour or more. Management wants more detailed (aka complicated and time consuming) reports because there is more at stake. Issues that once...
Railroad Demurrage Liability Changes
On April 9, 2014 the Surface Transportation Board (STB) decided to revise the existing rules pertaining to 1) who may charge demurrage and 2) who is subject to demurrage. The new rules took effect on July 15, 2014. The complete decision and related statements to support the decision may be...
Demurrage charges – trust, but verify
The results were surprising to them: they found $14,000.00 of inaccuracies in one month. Full disclosure: This shipper is one of our customers and they did solve their problem with our product. All the same, I think their experience will be a valuable one to you regardless of whether you...