
Rail Bill of Lading Parties Defined

Here is a scenario that was a bit confusing for which parties to use on the bill of lading: A 3rd party will be loading and generating bills of lading on behalf of their customer who is selling the product that is loaded into the railcars are are leasing the railcars. The 3rd party is be set up as the Pickup Party. Their customer will be the Shipper. The company that purchased the product in the railcar will be the Consignee. If there is a 3rd party at the destination that is handling the unloading of the railcar for the Consignee, then they are listed as the Care Of party.

BNSF’s page is good reference: http://www.bnsf.com/ipower/apps/helpfiles/ShippingInstructions/shippinginstructionshelp.html.

CN’s page is a good reference as well: https://www.cn.ca/en/ebusiness/content/help-files/ebusiness-helpfiles-shipping-instructions/patterns-blocks/parties-to-the-shipment/

Below is my version of the definitions that include comments from other railroads since the party names can vary by railroad.

Required Parties

Shipper (Sold By)

The party that physically loads the railcar.

Consignee (Sold To)

The party that physically receives the railcar for unloading. (Unless Care-Of Party exists – See Care of Party)

Optional Parties

Account of

Name of company who actually owns the contents in the railcar. (Enter only if different than shipper)

Account of (Origin Party)

Name of company who actually owns the contents of the railcar at origin only. This company name is NOT where the railcar will be physically picked up by rail. (Enter only if different than shipper)

Account of (Destination Party)

Name of company who owns the contents of the railcar at destination only. This company would not be where the shipment will be unloaded. (Enter only if different that consignee)


Company to advised before the  railcar can be placed at industry. (This field is used generally used by grain shippers.)

Beneficial Owner

Name of company who actually owns the contents of the railcar. (Enter only if different than shipper)

Care of (Ship To)

Name of company where shipment will be physically spotted for unloading. (Enter only if different than the consignee)

Certifying Party

Name of company certifying weight in compliance with Intermodal Safe Container Act.


Name of the second industry where the railcar will be spotted for complete loading of the railcar. (This field is generally used by grain shippers)

Customs Broker

Name of broker handling international custom process.

Notify Cross-town

Name of party to be notified to perform cross-town delivery.

Notify Party

Name of company to be notified when the shipment arrives at destination and is ready to be picked-up at a ramp facility.

Notify Party Shippers Order

Name of company to be notified when using Shippers Order bill of lading. (This field is generally used by grain shippers)

Order of

Order of company name when using Shipper Order bill of lading. (This field is generally used by grain shippers)

Pickup Party

Name of location where shipment is to be physically picked up by rail. Grain shippers generally enter the elevator in this field. In other words, this would be used where a 3rd party is handling loads for another company and the facility is owned by the 3rd party. The material that is loaded into the railcar is owned by the Shipper, but the 3rd party may actually manage getting the material into the railcar, sealing the railcar and lining the railcar up for the railroad to pick up. (Enter only if different than the shipper).

Rule 11

This information is only required on Rule 11 shipments. Enter the name of the company who will be paying the Rule 11 beyond charges. Rule 11 is when railroads provide separate invoices for their segments of the trip.

Ship From

Enter the name of the shipper at the actual or true origin but not the rail origin. Generally, this information is needed for shipments brought into the rail yard by truck.

Third Party Pay

Enter the name of the company who is responsible for paying the freight charges.

Ultimate Consignee

Enter the name of the company who will ultimately receive the shipment. The shipment is generally trucked to this location. (Enter only if different than the consignee)


Jim Dalrymple


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Looked to the internet to find a definition of this party and found a really good resource from BNSF’s website

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