Railcar Management System (RMS) 6.10.50 Release Enhances Track & Trace Process
With the release of Railcar Management System (RMS) 6.10.50, Railcar Tracking Company continues to respond to customer needs. RMS continues to be our main focus, raising it to a best of breed application for those companies whose needs include a flexible and easy to use web-based system that includes visibility of essentially all shipments (530+ railroads) in North America in a single system; demurrage and railcar detention management; and railcar fleet management.
A survey late last year revealed that customers’ second highest requirement was the ability to copy and paste a list of railcars to easily trace their locations. RTC responded several months later by releasing RMS 6.10.00 on February 25 of this year, which introduced the initial phase of the feature. Customers can now paste a list of up to 500 railcars and assign them to a report group; the track & trace reports in RMS may then be filtered by this report group providing a quick and easy way to isolate reports to a specific group of railcars. We have implemented this feature in a way that it also empowers users to perform other bulk activities on those railcars such as pool (sub fleet) assignments, deactivation, reactivation, lease and sublease assignment.
With the release of RMS 6.10.50 on July 8, we have improved this feature based on additional customer feedback. Here are the additional aspects of this feature that have been recently added:
- Persist the recently added / selected list of railcars after bulk activities have been performed so that other bulk activities may be performed on them.
- The Select All button has been removed, replaced with a checkbox in the column header of the data grid where users place checks select a particular railcar. By placing a check in this check box, all railcars visible on the data grid will be selected with checks in their corresponding check boxes. By removing the check in the check box in the column header, all checks in the data grid will be removed, thus deselecting all the railcars.
- Users can now deselect some of the recently added / selected railcars and perform bulk activities with just the selected railcars (i.e. checks in their check boxes). The deselected railcars will continue to display after the bulk activities, but the bulk activities will not be performed on them.
- The order of recently added / selected railcars will be identical to the order that the user entered / pasted them.
- Multiple contiguous railcars may be selected (i.e. checks in their checkboxes) by a user placing a check in the first railcar checkbox, pressing the Shift key, and placing a check in another railcar checkbox below or above the first railcar; all railcars in between will get selected (i.e. checks in their checkboxes). This feature will work with recently added / selected railcars as well as active, inactive, all or no pool assignment railcars.