How To Install Invoice21 To View / Print Railcar Repair Invoices For Free
In a previous article, I review and explain the benefit of Invoice21, show sample reports and how to use it. Basically it is a free software that enables you to view / print easy to read, detailed copies of railcar repair invoices. In this article, you will learn how to install the software onto your PC.
Installation overview
The basic process to install and use the tool is:
- Email or call 415-735-7504 to request a key to open the program (there is no fee)
- Download and Install the dbase Plus 10 for Windows Runtime Engine
- Download and Unzip the Invoice21 files to a folder anywhere on your PC
- Double-click on the Inv21.exe file to open the program
You will need Windows Vista, 7, 8 or 10. I used Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 11.
Installation details
Your Windows account must have Administrator rights. If it does not, the installer will tell you and quit gracefully. If you do not have Administrator rights, you will need to get a person who does to login to your computer first and then proceed with these instructions. When you login to your computer, you will be able to run the program.
Go to;
click on the UPDATES button on the top middle of the page;
click the link labeled “32 Bit Runtime Build 2492” as shown below.
When the file is finished downloading, click Run;
choose English when prompted to Select Language;
click Next to all of the rest of the dialog boxes keeping the default settings until you are prompted that the installation completed successfully.
Go back to;
click on the Updates button at the top middle of the page;
click on the Invoice21 link on the middle left of the page;
click on the link in the top middle of the page as shown below.
Click on the link in the top middle of the page; when prompted, choose Save as;
save the file in the c:\users\public\documents folder;
in Windows Explorer, navigate to the c:\users\public\documents\ folder; right click on the file in that folder; and left click on the Extract All… menu;
it will default to the C:\Users\Public\Documents\invoice21 folder, which is what we want;
click the Extract button – this will automatically unzip and place all of the files in the c:\public\documents\invoice21 folder; open that folder and find the Inv21.exe file;
right click on the Inv21.exe file and click the Send to > Desktop (create shortcut) menu;
go to your desktop and double-click on the icon labeled Inv21.exe – Shortcut.
That’s it! I hope that you have found this article useful. If have any problems with the installation, RailTech Software Systems, the make of the software, is happy to help. Be sure to check out the review and sample reports of Inovice21.
All the best,